2/28/17, 6:54 PM Notes - Astro - SpaceDock In recent discussions among astronautical engineers the efficacy of on-orbit The next step in the space infrastructure Genesis is the construction of SpaceDocks. The SpaceDocks will be established in orbits that are easy to access from the major space ports and other launch points on the planet and will provide a stable relay station to GEO orbits, lunar orbits, as well as other cislunar and translunar orbits and interplanetary transfer orbits to the planets. We will identify in this paper Orbits that will lend themselves to the creation of the spacedocks which may be considered gas stations with regard to the airport, if you will, infrastructure necessary to facilitate interplanetary commerce. This SpaceDock will initially be able to provide several utilities for the interplanetary infrastructure. Among these are the usual service station capabilities such as spacecraft refueling, docking, towing, and autonomous maintenance. The core SpaceDock is constructed modularly such that features and capabilities can be added autonomously as the project matures.