One takes a camera, sets her to any place of the universe, and operates the trip.
Our brain and the usual computer diagram algorithms assume when regarding a scene however we in a Euclidean, flat area to be that rays of light are straight lines that everything that we see just and at the same time occurs, jetzt`` that the time runs off everywhere directly fast that we see the colors of the observed object in such a way, as them sind``.
These conditions are fulfilled to no more with astronomical observation objects. In the proximity, interessanter`` cosmic objects (e.g. black holes) space-time has completely different structure, than we are used to it from the everyday life. In the environment of solid stars the light runs on curved courses, so that photo-graphic illustrations are substantially distorted. Lorentzkontraktion and aberration result in apparent twists of a fast moving body. The photons, which produce a picture, with the camera arrive thus simultaneous, can be started depending upon distance of the point of emission at different times and represent thus at large object speeds completely different phases of a temporal development. Colors become by the gravitation red shift, as well as the Doppler shift caused by relative motion of camera and object changes.
The function of our brain and the usual computer diagram algorithms are based as said on the conditions and lead therefore for wrong results, specified above.