
Abbott 52
Edwin A. Abbott, Flatland, Dover Publications, Inc., New York NY, 1952.

Banchoff 90
Thomas F. Banchoff, Beyond the Third Dimension, Scientific American Library, New York NY, 1990.

Barnhill 84
R. E. Barnhill and F. F. Little, ``Three- and Four-Dimensional Surfaces,'' The Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 14(1), Winter 1984, pp 77-102.

Brisson 78
edited by David W. Brisson, ``Visual Comprehension of n-Dimensions,'' Hypergraphics: Visualizing Complex Relationships in Art, Science & Technology, Westview Press, Boulder CO, 1978, pp 109-146.

Carey 87
Scott A. Carey, Robert P. Burton, and Douglas M. Campbell, ``Shades of a Higher Dimension,'' Computer Graphics World, October 1987, pp 93-94.

Chen 85
L. Chen, G. Herman, R. Reynolds, J. Udupa, ``Surface Shading in the Cuberille Environment,'' IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 5(12), December 1985, pp 33-43.

Chen 90
Chao-Chi Chen, ``Interpolation of Orientation Matrices Using Sphere Splines in Computer Animation,'' Master's Thesis, Computer Science Department, Arizona State University, December 1990.

Dewdney 84
A. K. Dewdney, The Planiverse: Computer Contact with a Two-Dimensional World, Poseidon Press, New York NY, 1984.

Dewdney 86
A. K. Dewdney, ``Computer Recreations,'' Scientific American, April 1986, pp 14-23.

Drebin 88
Robert Drebin, Loren Carpenter, Pat Hanrahan, ``Volume Rendering,'' Computer Graphics 22(4), August 1988, pp 65-74.

Farin 88
Gerald Farin, Curves and Surfaces for Computer Aided Geometric Design, Academic Press, Inc., San Diego CA, 1988, pp 19,238.

Foley 87
Thomas A. Foley, Gregory M. Nielson, ``Practical Techniques for Producing 3D Graphical Images,'' VMEbus Systems, November-December 1987, pp 65-73.

Frieder 85
G. Frieder, D. Gordon, R. Reynolds, ``Back-to-Front Display of Voxel-Based Objects,'' IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 5(1), January 1985, pp 52-60.

Glassner 90
Andrew Glassner, Graphics Gems, Academic Press, Inc., San Diego CA, 1990, pp 390-393.

Hall 89
Roy Hall, Illumination and Color in Complex Generated Imagery, Springer-Verlag, New York NY, 1989, p 153.

Hill 90
Francis S. Hill, Jr., Computer Graphics, Macmillan Publishing Co., New York NY, 1990.

Kajiya 84
James Kajiya, Brian Von Herzen, ``Ray Tracing Volume Densities,'' Computer Graphics 18(3), July 1984, pp 165-174.

Lorensen 87
William Lorensen, Harvey Cline, ``Marching Cubes: A High Resolution 3D Surface Construction Algorithm,'' Computer Graphics 21(4), July 1987, pp 163-169.

Noll 67
Michael A. Noll, ``A Computer Technique for Displaying n-Dimensional Hyperobjects,'' Communications of the ACM 10(8), August 1967, pp 469-473.

Sabella 88
Paolo Sabella, ``A Rendering Algorithm for Visualizing 3D Scalar Fields,'' Computer Graphics 22(4), August 1988, pp 51-55.

Steiner 87
K. Victor Steiner and Robert P. Burton, ``Hidden Volumes: The 4th Dimension,'' Computer Graphics World, February 1987, pp 71-74.

Whitted 80
Turner Whitted, ``An Improved Illumination Model for Shaded Display,'' Communications of the ACM 23(6), June 1980, pp 343-349.
