Four-Space Visualization of 4D Objects
Steven Richard Hollasch
A Thesis Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree Master of Science
Arizona State University
August 1991
Supervisory Committee:
Dr. Thomas Foley
Dr. Gregory Nielson
Dr. Gerald Farin
Table of Contents
List of Figures
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1: Background
1.2: Previous Work
1.3: Overview of This Research
1.4: Contents of This Paper
Chapter 2: Four Dimensional Geometry
2.1: Vector Operations and Points in Four-Dimensional Space
2.2: Rotations in Four Dimensions
Chapter 3: Overview of Visualization in Three and Four Space
3.1: Viewing in Three Space
3.2: Viewing in Four Space
Chapter 4: Wireframe Display of Four Dimensional Objects
4.1: High-Level Overview of 4D to 2D Projection
4.2: Description of 3D to 2D Projection
4.3: Description of 4D to 3D Projection
4.4: Rotations in 4D Wireframes
4.5: User Interaction and Visualization Aids
4.6: Example 4D Wireframe Images
Chapter 5: Raytracing in Four Dimensions
5.1: General Description of the Raytracing Algorithm
5.2: Generating the Four-Dimensional Ray Grid
5.3: The General Raytrace Algorithm
5.4: Reflection and Refraction Rays
5.5: Illumination Calculations
5.6: Intersection Algorithms
5.6.1: Ray-Hypersphere Intersection
5.6.2: Ray-Tetrahedron Intersection
5.6.3: Ray-Parallelepiped Intersection
5.7: Display of 4D Raytrace Data
5.8: Example Ray4 Images
Chapter 6: Conclusion
6.1: Research Conclusions
6.2: Future Research Areas
Appendix A: Implementation Notes and Source Code
A PostScript Version of This Thesis
Steve Hollasch
, August 1991