Wish List for 4D Environments: a WDI R&D Perspective
Martin Fischer, Kathleen McKinney Liston, and the Paperless Design Project Team
at Walt Disney Imagineering
document outlines the functionality needed for a 4D environment to serve the
needs of the Paperless Design Project at Walt Disney Imagineering (WDI). This
report was originally written for Paperless Design Team members and Research
and Development personnel at WDI to understand our "wish-list" of
functionality needed to support 4D environments. This document has been edited
to reflect a more general perspective. Ultimately, this document should serve
as a roadmap for the development of next generation CAD, project management,
and concurrent engineering tools. We do not envision that all the functionality
discussed below needs to be provided in one product, but any products used in
this process should provide the "hooks" to enable the representation
and linking of the information required for 4D modeling.
The report is organized
into the following sections:
- Report Summary
- Vision of 4D Technologies
in AEC Practice
- Paperless Design Project
Goals and Process for Evaluating 4D Technologies
- Description of 4D Modeling
- Functionality Required
to Perform 4D Modeling Tasks
- Implementation Challenges
- Appendix: Purpose of 4D Models
and Modeling Issues
welcome any comments or feedback on this report.
in 3D technologies provide the opportunity to use 3D CAD models to view construction
project information. Research projects at Stanford University
and the Paperless Design Project at WDI are looking
at how engineers and project managers can utilize 3D and 4D CAD to:
- manage
and minimize risk throughout all stages of a construction project
- effectively
communicate the design, schedule, and other project data
- rapidly
explore design and construction alternatives
initial phase of these projects involved the evaluation of 3D and 4D commercial
and prototype technologies to determine the benefits and limitations of these
technologies. The goal was to define a vision of:
- the use of these technologies to support
the design and planning of construction projects within the WDI organization
- the architecture and functionality of next-generation
3D and 4D technologies
This report describes the results of the initial evaluation
of the use of 3D/4D technologies for the planning of a WDI construction project.
Some of the specific benefits of the 3D/4D modeling
process realized to date are:
- clear communication of the sequence of construction
to all project participants
- improved understanding of design and schedule
- ability to receive feedback from a broad
range of project stakeholders
The limitations of current 4D technologies are:
- slow generation of alternatives
- no computer-based risk analysis
- minimal integration with other project data
Based on this initial evaluation, the Paperless Design
Team has compiled an initial "wish-list" of functionality that is
needed to address these limitations and support long-term project goals. This
functionality wish-list is organized into three areas and are summarized:
- Functionality needed to Generate and Manipulate
Model-Based Project Data, specifically
functionality to:
- generate and manipulate object-models of
the construction project
- generate and manipulate associations between
those objects
- take apart and re-organize the project
- Functionality needed to Represent Model-Based
Project Data, specifically
functionality to:
- represent the 4D model as a set of objects
- maintain multiple representations of
a project
- Functionality needed to Visualize Model-Based Project
Data, specifically functionality to:
- view the object-models in a real-time
3D environment
- view project data and relationships between
project data within the 3D environment
- provide a "4D viewer" accessible
to all project participants
remainder of this report elaborates this wish-list and the rationale for needing
this functionality. We first describe the vision of 4D technologies and summarize
the 4D modeling process performed during the Paperless Design Project. We then
explain how planners perform 4D modeling tasks today, i.e., how they generate,
update and maintain, and visualize and distribute 4D models, and outline how
we envision planners will perform 4D modeling tasks in the future. We then discuss
the functionality that is needed in a next-generation 4D environment to support
these tasks. Finally, we conclude with the challenges we face to implement this
Vision of 4D technologies in AEC Practice
designers, and engineers will use 4D technologies to analyze and visualize many
aspects of a construction project, from the 3D design of a project to the sequence
of construction to the relationships between schedule, cost and resource availability
data. Planners will create, update and maintain, and deliver a 4D object model
throughout a design/construction project. The 4D technologies will enable planners
to generate various views of this 4D object model to clearly communicate the
spatial and temporal aspects of construction schedules to all project participants.
4D technologies will no longer be used to simply animate the sequence of construction
but will be used to communicate a wide range of project data much more clearly
and efficiently than possible today. Planners, designers, and engineers will
use 4D environments to visually relate data much like the way engineers use
gradated color 3D models to visualize the stresses on structures.
vision implies that 4D technologies will provide a view of a project database.
This project database will store and maintain the representation of building
components and construction activities, their inter-relationships, and relationships
to other project data. This database will be designed to support concurrent
engineering of the facility and its delivery process by supporting multiple
representations of project data, multiple ways of organizing and relating the
data, domain-specific views of the data, and standard representations of these
data so that multiple applications can interpret the data. This project database
will not only support the use of 4D technologies throughout the project life-cycle
but also support other design and construction technologies (Figure 1).

1: Vision of Project Database showing a shared database that stores project
components that are generated, accessed, and organized into multiple project
models and views
fully maximize the benefits of 4D technologies, planners, designers, and engineers
will need to change how they produce project data. They will focus their efforts
on producing and evaluating "models" instead of drawings. To
build 4D models that accompany a project throughout its design, planning, and
construction phases, users need to be able to take these 3D models apart and
put them back together quickly and in very flexible, interactive ways. They
need to represent the design not only as graphical drawing objects, but also
as intelligent and open information objects that can be linked to other project
information. Today’s CAD tools are mainly focused on the production of construction
drawings and do not offer the functionality needed for 4D modeling. They do
not offer an intuitive and easy-to-use object-oriented environment that allows
users to build a graphical and informational model of the project that can be
taken apart and put back together in new ways, and that can be shared easily
with the various disciplines involved in the project life cycle.
Paperless Design Project Goals and Process for Evaluating 4D technologies
The goal of the first phase of the Paperless Design
Project was to understand the issues with respect to using 4D technologies and
to propose a plan for implementing 4D technologies in the short and long-term.
This includes specifying the contents of a project database from the 4D perspective
and specifying the functionality for generating and accessing the content in
the project database (Figure 2). Future projects within
R&D at WDI will consider the structure and contents of the project database
from other perspectives. Much of the functionality needed to support 4D technologies,
however, are needed to support other design technologies.

Figure 2: Focus of Paperless Design Project
The Paperless Design Project Team selected a construction
project that presented potential construction problems due to the complexity
of the site. The project team included representatives from the design team,
construction team, virtual reality group, 4D consultants, and CAD analysts.
The goal of the team was to produce a 3D and 4D model of the selected construction
project for visualization in a Virtual Reality Cave, on the desktop, and in
a web-browser (Figure 3).
During the three-month project, commercial and prototype
technologies were used. The 3D models were produced by modelers in the VR group
who were most proficient with Alias Wavefront and Multigen. These tools also
enabled the most efficient transfer of the 3D model into the Cave environment.
Following is a brief description of the various 4D
modeling processes performed.
- Production of 4D model
using commercial tools
- Generation of a 4D model
using commercial tools and customized add-ons
- Generation of a 4D model
using prototype tools

Figure 3: Inputs, Outputs, Controls,
and Tools for Paperless Design Project
3.1 Production of 4D model
using commercial tools
first 4D modeling process utilized commercially available software: Alias Wavefront,
AutoCAD, Primavera, and Jacobus Schedule Simulator. This process involved the
following steps (See Figure 4):
- Generating
the 3D model in Alias Wavefront
- Breaking
the 3D model into twenty-three "chunks" to represent the construction
breakdown of the project
- Exporting
these chunks from Alias as DXF files
- Importing
the twenty-three DXF files into AutoCAD
- Organizing
the components in each file into two layers. One layer represented the structure
and another layer represented the spaces in between the structure and was
used to represent the "torquing of the structure."
- Merging
all of the DWG files into one drawing
- Exporting
the single DWG file as a "JSM" file or Jacobus 3D model file.
- Importing
the JSM file into Jacobus
- Importing the schedule
file (generated in Primavera) into Jacobus
- Linking
the CAD components to the schedule activities to generate the 4D model
- Playing
the 4D model within the Jacobus environment
process was tedious and presented the following problems:
- project
participants could only view the 4D model within the Jacobus
environment, unless screen captures were made of each day or specified period/time.
- the
4D model information could not be transferred to the cave environment
- most
updates to the 4D model required starting at step 1
Figure 4: 4D Modeling Process with Commercial
3.2 Generation of a 4D model
using commercial tools and customized add-ons
The second process utilized commercial tools with
add-ons. These customizations were:
- a visual-basic
macro in Excel. This macro creates a dialog box that lists construction
activities and lists 3D components (from 3D Studio Max) and enables the planner
to manually link one by one the activities and components or automatically
link components and activities.
- a set of MaxScripts
in 3D Studio Max. These maxscripts take information sent from Excel
and create animation information. For example, a message is sent from Excel
to set the start and finish dates of a particular component. The maxscript
creates animation keys to turn on the visibility of the component at the start
date and animation keys to change material attributes of the component to
reflect its state of construction, e.g., making the component red for the
duration of its construction.
This process involved (Figure 5
and detailed here):
- Exporting
the AutoCAD file created in step 4 of the first process to 3D Studio Max
- Exporting
the schedule information from Primavera to Excel
- Manually listing the name of the CAD component
associated with each activity in the Excel spreadsheet
- Running
the macro within Excel to import the list of 3D components from 3D Studio
Max and generate a list of the construction activities
- Linking
the activities to 3D components
- Rendering
the 4D visualization in 3D Studio Max
- Exporting the Excel data in ASCII format
to the CAVE
This process had the
following benefits:
- the
4D visualization was fully-rendered
- all project
participants could view the 4D visualization because the movie file could
be posted on-line in Quicktime or AVI format
and the following problems:
- any changes that had to be made required
performing the entire set of 4D modeling tasks again (starting at Step 1,
Process 1)
- the ouput was not fully interactive. Although
planners could change the temporal state of the 4D visualization the planners
could not interact with the spatial data, e.g., change the viewpoint of the

Figure 5: 4D Modeling Process with Commercial
3.3 Generation of a 4D model
using prototype tools
The third process involved developing a set of 4D
prototype tools. These included:
- a
Java 4D Application.
This application provides the functionality to import the names of CAD components
and schedule information, link activities to CAD components, and save and
update the 4D model.
- a
Java 4D Applet that communicates with a VRML world in a web browser.
This applet provides the functionality to interactively view a 4D visualization
in a browser.
- a Java3D application. This
application provides the functionality to generate, view, and store the 4D
model in a desktop environment.
- Cave 4D functions. These
functions provide the functionality to import the 4D associations exported
from the Java 4D application and to use these associations to view the 4D
visualization in the cave.
The 4D modeling process with these tools involves
(Figure 6):
- Importing the schedule data into the Java
4D application
- Importing the CAD data into the Java 4D application
- Organizing the CAD data into approriate groupings
(if needed)
- Linking the components to the activities
- Assigning "action-types"
- Exporting 4D model to CAVE and to Java 4D
The process had the following benefits:
- updates and changes could easily be made without
re-performing the entire 4D modeling process
- re-grouping of CAD components is possible within the 4D environment
- on-line viewing is possible in the 4D environment
and the following problems (Figure
- data is in
ASCII format
- links to original data are not maintained
- schedule is
not hierarchical

Figure 6: 4D Modeling Process with Prototype

Figure 7: Diagram showing Current Process
and Current Problems
Tasks to Generate, Visualize, Update, and Distribute 4D Models
execution and evalution of these processes as well as our experience gained
on other 4D modeling projects at Stanford University allowed us to develop a
set of 4D modeling tasks and outline the corresponding functionaliity. These
tasks and the related functionality are presented next.
this section we describe the 4D modeling tasks planners can perform today with
commercial 3D and 4D tools, contrast those with how we envision planners performing
4D modeling tasks, and describe the functionality 4D technologies need to provide
to support these tasks. We have organized these taks into three main groups
of tasks:
- Tasks
to Generate and Manipulate 4D Models
- Tasks
to Visualize and Evaluate 4D Models
- Tasks
to Deliver and Distribute 4D Models
Tasks to Generate 4D Models
the generation of a 4D model involves three main tasks, which we elaborate in
the following sections:
- generating
a 3D model that represents the spatial aspects of the construction project
at the appropriate level of detail
- generating
a schedule
- relating
components in the 3D model with components in the schedule
Generating a 3D model
Today |
3D model that is used in a 4D model is different in organization and content
from a 3D model that architects or engineers use for visualization or
analysis. Typically, designers organize
the components in a 3D model according to corporate or AIA layering standards
that focus on arranging the graphic information in a way that facilitates
drawing production. This drawing organization is usually not useful for
schedule visualization in a 4D model because the layers rarely correspond
to the geometric information that describes the scope of a (construction)
activity. Since today’s CAD tools display geometric information by layers
(i.e., everything on a layer is either shown or not shown) it is important
that there is at least one layer for each activity. It is easy to link
several layers to one activity, but linking several activities to one
layer will not result in a 4D visualization at the level of detail in
the schedule.
the 3D CAD model typically contains only the final, physical components
of a facility. During construction, many other components, such as scaffolding,
laydown areas, etc., are needed. Often, necessary detail is also missing
in the 3D model. To set up the 3D model, planners have to add these components
to the model. In summary, planners need to perform the following tasks
and subtasks to set up the 3D model:
the 3D model into the "3D chunks"
or work elements necessary to match the level of detail in the schedule.
This involves:
This is necessary when, e.g., all steel columns on one floor are on
one layer and the schedule calls out two activities to install the columns
(one to build the columns on the East side and another to build the
columns on the West side). We envision a graphical interface that would
allow users to pick components and assign them directly and easily to
a new or different layer.
A drawing might organize mechanical information by type of duct on a
floor, but the schedule might show activities that install mechanical
ductwork in a zone on a floor regardless of its type. The same tool
functionality as in (i) should work here as well.
- This
is necessary when there is just one component in the CAD model (typical
for slabs, walls, roofs), but the component is built in several phases
(e.g., three concrete pours for a slab). We envision a graphical interface
that allows the user to cut a larger component into smaller components
in a manual or parameter-driven way. In the manual way, users would,
e.g., drag lines across a slab component to indicate slab sections.
In the parameter-driven way, users would specify (or rules would infer)
parameters needed to break up a component, e.g., cut a slab into 3 pieces
or cut a slab into pieces with no more than 100 m3 of concrete
in each section.
construction-specific components (e.g.,
scaffolding, cranes, access roads, laydown areas) that are typically not
included in the CAD model during the design phase of a project. This involves:
- , e.g., adding reinforcement objects to a concrete
- , such as scaffolding, equipment, and shoring.
Future |
Organizing and adding this information is tedious and makes the 4D modeling
process infeasible for most planners. Future 4D environments need to enable
a much more flexible way of organizing the 3D model and adding construction-specific
information like construction areas and zones. Future 4D environments
will enable planners to:
(a) Organize 3D model components into a
hierarchical, construction focused view of the model. This involves:
(b) Add construction-specific content from
construction component and method libraries. This involves:
- ,
e.g., equipment
- such as reinforcemen
Generating a Schedule
Today |
schedules are generated in a schedule tool such as Primavera or Microsoft
Project. Planners are familiar with these tools and the functionality
they provide. The generation of a schedule for use in a 4D model involves
the traditional scheduling tasks such as:
- generating
and naming activities
- assigning
durations to activities
- sequencing
as well as:
- ensuring that the schedule is at
a level of detail appropriate for the desired 4D visualization
- assigning
"action-types" to activities, i.e., temporary, deconstructive,
constructive. These action types define how the components are shown
in the 4D visualization, e.g., a temporary activity implies that the
components associated with that activity are made visible at the start
of the activity and then made invisible or turned off at the end of
the activity.
Future |
traditional way of generating a schedule limits the potential benefits
of a 4D model. First, this process does not utilize the 3D description
of the project. When schedulers create activities they usually have a
mental picture of the physical scope of the activity. They have no way
today, however, to translate their thinking directly into activities that
are linked to 3D components that represent the physical scope of work.
Instead, they must create an abstract activity and later link the activity
to its related 3D CAD components. We envision a tool that allows schedulers
to create activities and a schedule in a 4D environment that includes
an interactive 3D view of the project. Planners will be able to:
(a) Generate
the traditional schedule content within the 4D environment, thus
directly associating the activities in the schedule with the 3D components.
This includes:
- (if available).
- , etc. to select 3D CAD
model components that represent the physical scope for a new activity
(some of the same functionality as outlined in 4.1.1 is useful here)
Use 3D information to calculate activity durations. This
- (automatically match units
of measurement of quantity information to the units required by the
production rate)
- (possibly with
user help who specifies the type of resource or crew used) or ask user
directly for applicable production rates.
Automatically generate schedules from the 3D model.
(d) Define
non-temporal and temporal relationships between activities. Traditional
schedules do not represent how spatial relationships between activities
affect the construction sequence.Today’s scheduling software supports
the representation of relationships that model the temporal sequence of
activities. Hence, all sequence relationships have to be abstracted to
a temporal relationship, even though the reason for a sequence relationship
might be a spatial constraint (e.g., access to a certain area of a project
might be constrained by other activities that are occurring nearby).
(e) Define and classify "action-types".
The current set of action-types needs to be expanded to support various
types of actions. In some cases, a component is acted-on in multiple ways
and current commercial tools do not enable clear communication of multiple
types of actions. For example a concrete wall component may be associated
with several activities, such as "pour concrete", "cure",
"finish","paint", etc.
Relating 3D model Components to Construction Activities
Today |
Today’s 4D tools (Intergraph’s Schedule
Review and Jacobus’ Schedule Simulator software) require the manual linking
of CAD layer names with activity names or the use of a pre-defined naming
convention for activities and CAD layers so that the 4D software can create
the links between CAD layers and activities automatically. Planners need
to perform the following tasks:
- manually link a CAD "container"
(layer, object, group) to an activity or set of activities
- create rules to link 3D CAD components
to activities
Future |
While this functionality is helpful, it
does not provide the flexibility and intelligence necessary to associate
the activities and CAD components quickly and to maintain these associations
over the life of a project. In the future, planners will:
(a) Define
4D associations in various ways. The
association between 3D components and activities can be based on many
reasons and planners need to be able to define:
Users should be able to associate CAD components and activities through
lists of names (as supported today) or hierarchies, or by pointing to
and clicking on graphical representations of activities (e.g., bars
in a bar chart) and 3D components.
- Users
specify a rule that uses the names of CAD layers (or objects in the
future) and the names of activities to create the appropriate links
(as supported today). For example, many projects have naming conventions
for activities in P3 (Primavera), and if the same naming convention
is used to name the CAD layers, the software can automatically link
an activity to its corresponding CAD layer(s).Association by responsibility.The
reason for a link could be that a particular firm or superintendent
is responsible for a particular activity in a particular area.
- The
reason for a link could be based on the characteristics of a particular
method of construction.
- . Similar
to (iii) and (iv), associations can be based on other reasons.
(b) "Record" or document the
reason for associating a particular CAD container (layer, group, component)
with an activity. Without representing
the reason for an association in the 4D model it becomes very difficult
to maintain the associations as the 3D and schedule models change. It
also becomes nearly impossible for someone other than the original creator
of the 4D model to update and change it because the reason for a particular
association is missing (even though the creator of the link had to think
about the reason at the time the association was made). The tools will
need to provide functionality to:
(c) Interactively generate 4D associations
with 4D macros or methods. This
- Instead
of defining 4D associations by linking components and activities, a
planner could perform the assembly sequence within the 4D environment,
and the 4D tool would record the assembly sequence in a much more interactive
way, similar to how today's recording macro features work.
4.2 Tasks to Update
and Maintain 4D Model
Today |
Throughout the construction project planners,
designers, and engineers must update and maintain the 4D model as design
or schedule changes occur. Since no 4D tool provides a direct link to
the 3D model and the schedule content, users have to access and edit the
original content and re-perform many of the 4D modeling tasks. This typically
- regrouping
3D model components to match a different activity breakdown (more or
less detail, different scope)
- changing
activity durations
- resequencing
- re-exporting and importing the 3D model data
and the schedule data
- reassociating 3D model components with
construction activities
Future |
our experience, it is very cumbersome and difficult to update and maintain
a 4D model because the reason for the creation of activities, their associations
with CAD components, and their sequence relationships is not made explicit
and stored with the 4D model during the creation of the 4D model. Without
intelligent hierarchies of components and activities and without explicit
criteria (reasons) represented in the 4D model, the user has to recreate
the thinking process that went into creating the model and must make all
the changes manually.
the rationale of the 4D model (as described in 4.1.3b) is only half the
challenge. Updating 4D models also involves managing the impacts of changes.
With a hierarchy and with explicit criteria for the existence of objects
and their links, users can invoke computer algorithms that change a 4D
model locally or globally, i.e., the computer algorithms do all the tedious
work of deleting activities and their links and associations, creating
new ones, etc. In the future, planners will be able to:
(a) Make local
and global changes
(b) Utilize rationale to manage 4D model changes
4.3 Tasks to Distribute and Visualize
the 4D Model
Today |
planners do not have many options for distributing and visualizing the
4D model. Any project participant wishing to view the 4D model
must either own the 4D software or view a "saved" 4D visualization
in movie mode. Thus, planners must distribute 4D visualizations either
- within a 4D environment that allows
the planner to change the temporal and 3D state of the 4D visualization
but requires each viewer to own the 4D application or
- in movie-mode (example),
such as a videotape, that does not allow the planner to change any aspect
of the 4D visualization but allows any project participant to view the
4D visualization

Figure 8: 4D Visualization Today
Future |
imagine that planners will disseminate 4D models with local and wide-area
networks as well as with traditional sneaker net methods such as floppy
disks and CD-ROMS. Since one of the biggest value of a 4D model is its
ability to visualize and communicate a schedule clearly it should be easy
for people who just need to see the information to view a 4D model on
their desktop. Hence, the output should be displayable in commonly available
software (e.g., a web browser). In the future, planners should be able
Distribute interactive 4D visualizations to all project participants,
that enable them (project participants) to:
- ,
e.g., rotate, zoom, walk-through, change viewpoints, change render-modes
- (e.g., level of detail, area of focus) for recipient
(b) Visualize
other information related to the 4D visualization,
e.g., procurement status, weather data, cost and resource data (See Figure
8 and examples)
4D visualization
to highlight problems or propose changes

8: Example of Future 4D Visualization
5.0 Functionality
This vision of the kinds of tasks planners will be able to perform with 4D
technologies requires functionality in three areas:
- Interaction:
Generating and Manipulating 4D models
- Visualization: Viewing
4D models
- Representation: Storing
4D models
5.1 Interaction Functionality
4D technologies will enable planners to generate 4D models in a more interactive
way. Planners will continue to generate 4D models from existing 3D models and
schedules as well as generate schedules interactively within the 4D environment
or automatically generate a schedule from a 3D model. 4D
tools need to support a variety of interactions with the 3D model content, the
schedule content, and the relationships between that content and other construction
project data. Specifically they need to provide the following types of interaction
3D model interactions:
- Rotate
and move viewpoint(required because,
as the project gets built in the 4D visualization, parts of the 3D model that
will be built later might become obstructed by already constructed components)
- Zoom
(required because a schedule and 3D model might be at different levels of
detail for certain time frames, or the user might be interested in more or
less detail for a particular time frame)
- Turn
classes of objects on and off or make them transparent during a 4D simulation
(this is important for buildings, e.g., where the installation of slabs
and roofs obstructs the view of the construction activities that go on inside)
Schedule interactions:
- Support
the typical temporal sequence relationships (finish-start, start-start,
finish-finish) between activities and
lag times for the relationships.
- Change
activity dates. For example, a user should be able to slide an activity
bar and see the repercussions of changed start dates on other activities,
milestones, and space needs.
- Adjust
activity durations (required because a contractor might add or take away
resources to adjust activity durations as necessary, or the initial production
rate assumptions might have been too high or too low).
- Resequence
activities (change the schedule logic in the bar chart, network or object
view). This is required because materials might be delivered early or late,
necessitating the development of new 4D alternatives that minimize the impact
of this schedule change. The 4D model should help assess the spatial (e.g.,
availability of access and work space) and temporal implications of schedule
changes, thus limiting the need for further schedule changes due to oversights
when making the first schedule changes.
- Enter
activity name. The tool should offer a default activity name based on
the name(s) of the components.
- Propose
default relationships for a new activity (e.g., to its neighboring activity
of the same type, to the activity that acts on the components below).
- Support
the specification of spatial constraints or relationships between work
elements (e.g., specify that an activity should always be 100 m ahead of a
succeeding activity).
- Link
lag times to spatial areas to represent lag times as spatial constraints
(e.g., concrete in a certain area needs to cure, or no other activity should
be within 50 m due to safety concerns). We
envision that the user can again use the graphical models to specify these
relationships or work with the (hierarchical) list of names.
(c) 4D model interactions
- Link
several components to an activity.
- Link
several activities to a component.
- Do
not restrict the linking of activities and components to certain branches
of the component and activity hierarchies (if those exist), e.g., it must
be possible to link two components from different branches of a hierarchy
to an activity.
- Capture
the rationale for the 4D associations, either through manual processes or
intelligent construction "agents."
- Allow
the user to enter other information for the newly created 4D object (an
activity linked to a 3D component), such as information about the reason for
the association
- Regroup
the activities and 3D components. Initial assumptions about weekly or
daily progress might be off, now requiring or allowing a smaller or larger
buffer or lag between activities in a work sequence, which in turn requires
a new grouping of activities and 3D entities, since the scope for the activities
has changed. The software needs to highlight the physical scope of work for
an activity or a set of activities in the 3D model and allow the user to change
the associations between 3D components and activities in the object or graphic
- Switch
between and display several levels of detail. This requires that the graphical
views of the schedule and CAD models adjust themselves depending on the level
of detail chosen by the user.
- Attach
other types of data, e.g., cost for activities, and corresponding visualization
mechanisms, e.g., S-curves that can be displayed as the 4D model is running.
Visualization Functionality
of the key parts of our vision is that planners will be able to visualize many
aspects of the construction project within a 4D environment. In the following
table we list the types of content that planners need to visualize and the correlating
functionality that 4D technologies need to provide to support the visualization
of that content. We also list some of the challenges in implementing this functionality.
1. Examples of additional information a 4D model could display.
Visual Content Needed
Visual Functionality
Explanation of activity sequencing
- text displayed as schedule is "running" (or scrolling)
- text on demand (when user clicks on a sequence relationship in a
schedule window)
at any given time, many sequence relationships will be active, hence
the computer will need to decide which explanations to display
Schedule |
- UI for visualizng Gantt chart or other schedule views (CPM)
Responsibility for work
- reorganize schedule by responsibility
- use specific colors in 4D visualization
there are many contractors on a project, and a color scheme might quickly
become confusing
Work areas
- add a 3D element showing the work spaces needed for installation
(crew and equipment), delivery (access), protection, etc.
each 3D component will have several associated work areas, hence the
visual model could quickly become cluttered
- running total (numbers) as time progresses
- break down material, labor, overhead (and other costs) as desired
- S-curve
- working capital needed (inflows vs. outflows)
- calculate NPV as schedule is changed and needs for working capital
accuracy of cost estimate (based on 3D/4D model or based on an independent
- text showing high/low/average temperature for date and location
of project (or any other important location)
- curves displaying climatic information
Analyses of 4D model
- highlight problem area as schedule simulation is running (blinking,
bright color, ...)
- list all problems discovered in the 4D model and provide a hyperlink
to the relevant portion of the 4D model
the level of detail in model determines the conflicts and problems
that can be found and shown
Two schedules: same schedule, but different level of detail
- two windows showing the two schedules, with a box indicating the
scope of the detailed schedule in the less-detailed schedule
Two schedules: different schedules, but same level of detail (e.g.,
as-built, as-planned, as-revised, as-proposed, etc.)
- probably need two different 4D models, since the scope of the 3D
model and schedule might be different, and time of construction for
components will be different between the two versions
how to contrast, highlight similarities, differences between schedule
(4D model) versions
Multiple viewpoints of 3D model
Representation Functionality
The representation functionality needs to
support the interaction and visualization functionality described above. Additionally,
the representation functionality needs to support the distribution and integration
of data from multiple sources. Much of this functionality depends on
4D models that are object-oriented and are generated from standard libraries
of project components. Current standardization efforts such as the International
Alliance for Interoperability (IAI) are a good starting point for developing
standard representations of project components that are needed for intelligent
4D models. However, the current Industry Foundation Classes (IFC's) were not
designed to support the functionality discussed in this report. Thus, the
IFC's need to be extended to support:
- representation
of 4D associations
- representation of non-temporal relationships
between activities
Implementation Challenges
this wish-list of functionality is a challenge due to the current make-up of
software in the AEC industry. There are no standard representations of 3D CAD
components, construction activities, and no standard communication protocols
between programs. Thus, at a functional level, creating relationships between
data in a useful and accessible way is a formidable task. At a conceptual level,
the conceptual framework of these tools also precludes implementing robust 4D
technologies that support large complex projects. In this section we highlight
some of these functional and conceptual limitations.
Challenges due to Current Make-Up of AEC Software
overcome these limitations, there might be work-arounds or options already available
today, which are unknown to us. In some areas, especially when we make reference
to the new Architectural Desktop software, the discussion is based on a very
limited understanding on our side of the available functionality, and we are
offering our thoughts based on the demonstration we saw at Autodesk on August
21, 1998 and our ten years of experience with object-oriented software.
- The
current representation of building components is geometry-based, inaccessible,
and not customizable.
Today, the only way to access "objects"
in AutoCAD is through ARX or VB. This route allows us to access limited information
about objects in the CAD model and to create new objects with attribute information.
Unfortunately, these options do not enable the user to create a true 4D object
model since the relationships between CAD objects in AutoCAD and activity
objects must be generated and stored in a separate application. For example,
standard building component classes can be extended as well as new ones created.
However, the current object model in AutoCAD focuses on geometric attributes.
It provides insufficient support to define relationships between components
and activities, and it is not straightforward to access all the information
about an object. In particular we need to be able to create and access methods
that enable us to relate these components to construction activities. In summary,
we need object-oriented representations of components that are customizable,
editable, and accessible.
- Models are not hierarchical.
allows the designer to create one breakdown of the geometric information
into a set of layers. As mentioned throughout this document, this one breakdown
is not sufficient to support the multiple perspectives on the 3D model necessary
for 4D modeling. Furthermore, the layers give the user only an "all
or nothing" option to display geometric information. Users do not always
want to see all the detail, and they need to be able to reorganize the information
that is shown and that can be selected and grouped. A hierarchical model
would enable users to work at the appropriate level of detail, i.e., instead
of either seeing all or none of the information they could now select the
desired level of detail. Users should not be restricted to work at the same
level of detail for all parts of the 3D model. For example, they should
be able to work at the most detailed level for the foundations in a certain
area of the project and view the other foundations and the structural system
with less detail. This would allow them to see the context of their current
work without their desktop being cluttered with unnecessary graphical objects.
The "drawing methods" that are part of objects in Architectural
Desktop allow a user to customize the display of geometric information to
some degree. However, because the detail is generated by methods that are
part of a particular object it can become difficult to generate views and
groupings of the detail from a perspective other than the parent object.
For example, a footing object might have a method that displays the footing
as a simple 3D box in one view and with the reinforcement and formwork detail
in another view. While this enables a user to show detail in some areas
and hide it in others it makes it difficult to collect and group all of
the footing reinforcement between gridlines A and G for association with
a construction activity. In the example, the user wanted to switch the view
of the information from a footing perspective to a reinforcement perspective.
A hierarchical, fully object-oriented decomposition of the 3D objects would
give users more flexibility to create, interact, and manage information
about a project.
- Views of models are mainly graphical.
addition to the graphical view of the model, users should be able to navigate
the component hierarchies easily. They should be able to inspect the graphic
and information content of a CAD model and its components. They need to be
able to browse the hierarchy and click on an object or group of objects and
see the graphic model and bring up a list of all the objects’ attributes and
relationships. Architectural Desktop begins to address this limitation.
- It
is difficult to convert AutoCAD files to a real-time 3D environment.
text files are the only option to export an AutoCAD model to another application.
Today, we need to export the 3D AutoCAD model to other applications because
of limitation (1) and because of the need to work in an environment that renders
objects in real-time. It is difficult to export more than the graphic geometry,
which then makes it extremely cumbersome to manipulate the 3D model for 4D
modeling. An open and more accessible hierarchical object model is needed
that facilitates the exchange of the graphic and information content of a
3D model and its components. The hierarchy and all other information needs
to be maintained when the files are exported to other applications.
- interaction
"metaphors" to interact with 4D models (e.g., for red-lining)
- development
of a general tool set that supports project-specific work
- who
owns the project database and who develops the project database
- how
to utilize and extend current industry standard efforts such as STEP and IAI
- whether
the display needs to happen as the 4D simulation/visualization progresses
- whether
an asynchronous display is feasible and acceptable
- to
what extent the display should be user-selected or system-driven
- large
displays vs. desktop displays
– Purpose of 4D Models and Modeling Issues
a 4D model combines the designers and builders perspective it supports concurrent
engineering of the facility design and its delivery process. This appendix gives
a few specific examples of purposes for 4D models and lists common modeling
Purpose of 4D model in Construction and Construction Planning
the time pressures of many projects today and the limited space typically available
on site, the overall goal for the 4D modeling process is to create a dynamic
4D model that allows project management to resequence activities rapidly when
necessary while reducing the risk of running out of space. Hence the 4D model
should allow users
to play with and respond to scenarios like the ones listed below. These are
examples of decisions a 4D model should support and insights it should provide.
- Communicate
schedules clearly to all stakeholders to ensure that everyone is on the same
page and to solicit everybody's input in a timely fashion.
- Try
different activity sequences to lower risks of delays and unproductive work.
- Show
relationships between on-site and off-site production and make sure that on-site
production needs are communicated clearly to off-site fabrication centers.
- Respond
to availability problems of pre-assembled steel components. If supply of pre-assembled
components differs from that required in the schedule activities need to be
rescheduled to understand the ramifications on space use.
- Determine
overlap possible and necessary for crews and work. E.g., show the relationship
between foundation work and structural work. How far ahead of the vertical
steel erection should the footing and steel column work be so that the crews
and equipment do not hinder each other and affect the work in adjacent areas?
Issues to consider are the required and achievable early concrete strength
of concrete footings which determines curing time for footings and the minimum
lag time to vertical steel erection, quantity of vertical steel to be erected
in each area before torquing and bolting, access needs for other work, etc.
- Ensure
that laydown areas will be available close to the location offinal
installation for each discipline without hindering the work of a discipline
and other work.
Modeling Issues
- It
is important to agree on the appropriate time step (i.e., should the schedule
simulation show construction month by month or week by week) so that the schedule
and CAD models are prepared at the right level of detail.
- Determine
a time frame or a project area where construction is likely to be particularly
complex and difficult to schedule. Identify the worries of project managers.
This will help in determining the level of detail needed in the CAD and schedule
models. With today’s CAD tools it is far easier to combine detail than to
add detail. Hence our recommendation at this point is to err on the side of
too much detai for initial model building.
- Discuss
level of visual detail in model. For construction simulation, the CAD model
does not necessarily have to contain a lot of visual detail. Hence, the 3D
CAD model can often be simplified in comparison to an architectural 3D model
if the sole purpose of the model is to support a 4D modeling effort.
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